
Best Value Europe is a network organization.

Best Value Europe is looking for strategic partners (associates). People that work in the profit and non-profit sector. People that recognize that more rules, more control and more supervision does not improve the situation. People that are looking for alternatives.

Best Value Europe provides training, conferences, knowledge sessions and publicity.

Best Value is aimed at all sectors, especially those where rules, control and supervision have been increased.

Best Value Europe educates people to a professional level and enables them to achieve their own Best Value goals, in cooperation with other BV professionals.

Documentation on theory and practice is available to associated certified Best Value professionals.

Best Value experts make their own contribution by implementing Best Value in organizations.

We enable BV experts to create and seize opportunities in Europe.

We use a strong pace to build a network organization that serves people and organizations, both in the profit and non-profit sector.

We strive to have a presence in all 28 European countries.

Inspired? Join us!